Saturday, December 3, 2016

Color Theory Money Projects - Grayscale and Color

Well, the semester is winding down, and it's time to work on final projects. My final projects in GRC109 Color Theory are to create a bill of currency, based on the subject matter of my choice, so I chose to create one based on the movie Suicide Squad. Let's start with Project 1: Grayscale.

This was rather fun to do, and stretched my skillsets a LOT. Before this class, I'd only just dabbled with Illustrator (the software used in my Color Theory class), so there was a bit of a learning curve, and it was somewhat steep, but I muddled through, and picked up a few things along the way. :D

Project 2 was to be in three parts, all of which involved adding color into the product of the grayscale project. First was to be a monochromatic coloration. Here's what I came up with:

I'm sure that you've noticed that there are some minor differences (other than the color, of course) between this one and the original. I saw some things that could use some improvement, so I made the changes. I think that is looks much better this way, don't you?

The second part of the final project was to add two hues in various tints and shades. I kept the red-orange and used that color's compliment (or reasonably close to it, at least). This is what I turned in:

the third and final version was to use three colors in either triadic (three evenly spaced hues on the color wheel), or split complimentary (Too difficult to concisely explain here, but feel free to Google it) color harmonies. I went with split complimentary. We were also supposed to make sure that the colors used filled roles of dominant, subordinate and accent colors. I think that the final result fulfils this quite well:

Now that's all well and good, and meets the requirements, but if you've learned anything about me by now, it's that I just don't settle for "meeting" the requirements. As a result, I took it one step beyond, and created a Full Color version. Of course I couldn't turn it in for a grade, but I thought I'd share it here:

This class was an amazing experience for me, and is one of the classes that taught me the most, so far. We'll have to see what comes next. :D

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

GRC188, Project 2 Is Complete!

One of the classes that I have this semester that I'm actually learning something in is my Web Animation class (GRC188). We're learning about using Adobe Animate to create Flash animations (as can be seen in my previous post), and so far it's been a bit of a challenge. Now, however, we're getting into the basics of using ActionScript, the language embedded within Flash that makes things happen. Our current project (due more than a week from now) is to create a "sound-board" that contains at least 5 buttons, each of which needing to be animated, and to also play a sound. Needless to say, as this was (for me, at least) primarily a scripting project, I went above and beyond to create what I think is kind of special. However, since Blogger (the software used on this site) doesn't allow interaction with Flash files (no, I still haven't found a workaround for that), all I can do is provide a link, below:

I put a lot of work and brain sweat into this one, and suffice it to say I like it a lot. I hope you do, too. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Little Flash is Good for the Soul!

Ok, as promised, I've worked out how to add Play buttons to my SWF files, so that they can be posted to my blog without being huge annoyances (most of them were simple looping animations, many with sound, so I needed to provide a way to prevent eternal looping). Sadly, This blogging software makes it nearly impossible to post functioning Flash animations that have buttons, so I'm having to provide links to them from my website. Kindly visit to view the files.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Catching up on my blogging

I've been a bit busy lately, so I've sort of let this go a little. Oops? I've got a lot to show in all of my classes, but some of the items will have to wait until I can work out how to both add "play" buttons to the Flash animations I've been creating, AND how to embed Flash into my blogs. For now, though, I'll have to settle for works from my Color Theory and Web Design classes. the works from my Web Design class will appear in the form of links to the pages on my site, but the rest will be images, posted here. So without further ado, here's what I have so far (just a couple, this time):

There are other pieces that I've made, but they're nowhere near as interesting and appealing as this one is. The idea here is to create images that give the illusion of depth using only aspects of color, such as value, contrast and "occlusion". the captions below each image at least partially explain what's expected in them. Technically, the images of the cubes is more about shifting values (lightness or darkness) than the use of complimentary colors, but it was close enough to the criteria of that section to pass. The spheres was the most fun to do, and thus, my favorite.

In my Web Design class there hasn't been anything of note to show until this most recent project, so I only have one link to share. Please check out the link below:

This is probably not my best work, but it was fun to do, and exceeds the requirements of the assignment, so I'm happy with it. :)

That's it for now, but I'll be back with more later on.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Let the Learning Commence!

Last semester, as part of my class for learning Photoshop, I was to create and maintain a blog of my progress within the class. As it turns out, I rather enjoyed the process, so I'm continuing it in a new blog, but this time, I'm including work from ALL of my classes, and will continue to update the blog throughout the remainder of my time at Western Nevada College. Please note, however, that not every assignment will be listed here; only those with either special "meaning", or that I found interesting and/or fun will be posted here. Thus, my first offering is in my Color Theory class, Exercise 2:

More to follow. Please stay tuned.